Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos (photo: Kerry Tait)

Committee Members July 2024 – June 2025

  • President Olga Wilkinson
  • Vice President Karin Ruff
  • Secretary Keith McDougall
  • Treasurer Peter McDowell
  • Committee Members  Peter Wilson, Kelsey Fraser, Katrin McMahon, Michelle Darling, Andree Fox, Chris Beckingsdale


Friends of the Prom is an incorporated association Reg. no. A0032167S. This means we are a legal entity that stays the same even if its members change. We can open bank accounts and enter into contracts in our own name.


All Friends of the Prom work activities at the Prom are supervised by Parks Victoria rangers who brief volunteers on hazards and safety procedures before work starts. Volunteers need to register (sign in) before each activity so they are covered by Parks Victoria for personal accident and public liability.

Friends of the Prom has its own personal accident and public liability insurance cover through its Group Membership of Landcare Victoria. This covers members participating in any Friends of the Prom activities that are separate to Parks Victoria’s authorised activities e.g. overnight camping and organised walks.


As an incorporated association, Friends of the Prom’s rules define how we conduct our business. Use the following link to view the FOTP rules.

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